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310 Permits






Cost Share Program

The Cost-Share program is available to any private sector landowner with property within Ravalli County.  There is a limit of one project per person or group per year.  All projects must be completed within one year of approval.  Projects may be composed of multiple practices.  Only on the ground projects are eligible.  No studies or research projects will be funded.

College Scholarship Program

The Bitterroot Conservation District announces the availability of a $10,000 ($2,500 per year for four years) scholarship in honor of long time Bitterroot Conservation District board member and rancher, Steve Vogt. The Bitterroot Conservation District (BCD) offers this college scholarship to a qualified local high school senior intent on pursuing a degree in natural resources or related field. Appropriate courses of study include agriculture, agronomy, animal/range/soil science, forestry, land resources, environmental science/engineering, hydrology, plant science, wildlife biology, etc.

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