Emergency Stream Work and 310 Permitting Process
Under the 310 Law, an emergency is defined as an unforeseen event or combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action to safeguard human life, animal life, or property (including growing crops), without time to obtain a 310 permit.
Steps to be taken by the landowner/applicant:
- Call the District Office to notify staff before carrying out emergency work.
- Submit the Emergency Form (Form 275) to the District Office within 15 days of carrying out the emergency work.
- Understand that work carried out under the Emergency Process still has to go through the necessary permit processes after the emergency is over and may have to be removed, modified, or mitigated to meet agency/program requirements.
- If a project needs to be removed, modified, or mitigated, then the applicant must fill out the standard 310 application.
- Always be mindful about any potential liability emergency work may have on adjacent properties.
- Be sure to contact all other potentially applicable permitting agencies:
- See A Guide to Stream Permitting in Montana for additional Montana permitting agencies.
Download the 310 Notice of Emergency Form 275